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Forum Rules & Guidelines

Hello, and welcome to the CamboKidz Parents Forum.


If this is your first time here, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our forum rules and guidelines before posting.


The forum is intended to be a place for meaningful discussion on topics of concern for parents raising children in Cambodia. Forum threads and posts are not the place for rants, advertising or trolling. Before posting, please consider whether or not your message will contribute positively and significantly to the discussion. If not, it may be better suited for another topic category, or on another platform.





Our rules apply to every part of the forum, including threads, replies, conversation messages, linked content (videos, images and website links), and user accounts (usernames, profiles, avatars, etc.).



All spam will be deleted immediately, and can lead to punitive action against the involved parties. We consider spam to include repeatedly posting similar or duplicate content, posting content that adds little to no value to the forums, replying multiple times in a row to the same thread, repeated bumping of threads, or reposting content that has been deleted by the forum administrators. Sending private messages to a large number of different users is also considered spam.



All automated messages, advertisements and unprompted website links will be deleted immediately, as will any unsolicited advertisement for goods or services.



Material deemed to be obscene, sexual, racist or otherwise offensive is not permitted in this forum and will be blocked or deleted. This includes material that constitutes defamation, harassment or abuse. Posts or user profiles that contain or link to pornography will be deleted immediately, and can lead to punitive action against the involved parties.



The posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is not allowed, and any posts containing such materials will be deleted.

The posting of copyrighted materials is permitted provided it is done in accordance with the principles of fair use. In general, it is acceptable to post an image or an excerpt of an article for the purpose of criticism, comment, news reporting or teaching, and provided the copyright owner is attributed. If the image or article was copied from a website then a link to the original image or text should be included.



We expect our users to participate in the forum in a respectful and welcoming manner. Any posts containing threats, harassment or abuse of other users will be deleted. Users who repeatedly post inflammatory or abusive comments will be banned from the forum.



Posts or user profiles that contain extremely misleading titles or falsified content intended to deceive or harm others will be deleted. This includes intentionally spreading misinformation, manipulating or falsifying quotes, impersonating public figures or forum administrators, or creating content intended to look official without any disclaimers.





1. Post in the relevant category

Choose the most suitable category for your post. Posts placed in the wrong topic area may be removed and placed in the correct category.


2. Do not cross-post

Do not post the same question in several forum categories. Select the forum category that is most suitable for the question you are posting.


3. Do not PM other users asking for help

Do not send private messages to other users asking for help. If you need help, create a new thread in the appropriate forum category so that the whole community can offer help and benefit from the responses.


4. Give your topic a descriptive title

When creating a new thread try to give it a title that summarizes the question or topic. This is much better and will get more responses than a vague title like “Help me” or “Urgent question”.


5. Do not post personal information

Avoid putting any personal information (ie. your real full name, email address or phone number) in a post as this creates opportunities for criminals, scammers and spambots. If you wish to share these details with another user you can send them in a private message, but this is at your own risk.


6. This is not the place for politics

This is a forum about parents and their kids, and there is no reason to bring politics into the discussion. You’ll find plenty of other platforms for that.


7. Be patient and respectful

Remember that when people respond to your posts they are trying to help and are doing you a favor.

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