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Inline hockey @ CIS Roller Dome

Age Range

Wed 4pm - 9:30pm
Sat 9am - 11am

Copied phone number


Inline hockey is played just like ice hockey, but is a safer alternative for kids because there is no body checking or sharp blades, and the sport uses a softer plastic puck.

The public is invited to watch or join weekly pick-up games held inside the CIS Roller Dome.

The players who show up for a pick-up game are divided into teams at the start of the match, so pack one dark jersey and one light jersey for whichever team selected. Equipment - including gloves, helmets, pads and sticks - is included in the cost of the match fee.

Try out a pick-up game. If your kid enjoys it, consider signing them up for the Cambodian Inline Hockey League (CIHL), which organizes teams for a regular season and holds international tournaments.


Entrance: free
Pick-up game and equipment:
$10 Foreigner
$5 Cambodian
Multi passes and memberships available

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Inline hockey @ CIS Roller Dome

in CIS Roller Dome, Koh Pich

Chamkar Mon

Phnom Penh

Also at this location

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