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Ministry of Cat

Age Range

Tues - Sun 9am - 6:30pm

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Relax and chill with a book, or enjoy a coffee or light meal, in the company of cuddly and playful cats. It's cuteness overload, but the felines here are not just a gimmick - they're rescued street cats in need of affection and a permanent home.

All the cats in this cafe have been rescued and rehabilitated by partner organization Animal Rescue Cambodia. The cats and kittens are fully vaccinated, dewormed, spayed/neutered and given a clean bill of health.

Enjoy your coffee and meal while getting to know the resident felines, and if your kid absolutely falls in love with one of the cats you can adopt it and take it home. For real.


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Ministry of Cat

5 Street 442

Chamkar Mon

Phnom Penh

Also at this location

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