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Photo Disclaimer

Photographs used on the CamboKidz platform were obtained from three sources: our own photos; images in the public domain; or photos posted to a public Facebook page or on Google Maps and accessible for anyone to view without a login. The copyright on these images belongs to the photographer or to whomever he/she has assigned it to.


The criteria for photo selection is:

-use photos that give an accurate impression of a venue, its facilities or activities.

-use photos that, where possible, show kids participating in the respective activities or events.

-avoid photos that focus on an individual in favor of those that show a group of people.

-avoid photos that are posed, staged or use models.

-avoid photos edited to display company logos, watermarks or graphics.


If you are the photographer or legal owner of a photo and do not wish it to appear on the CamboKidz site, you may contact us at and request to have it removed from the site. If you are the parent of a child whose face is clearly visible in one of the photos you may also request to have it removed.

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