Seeing your child’s eyes light up when you bring home a new toy is one of the joys of parenting. And you don’t need to wait for a birthday or Christmas to surprise them with a toy that will delight them and fuel their imagination. So next time you’re looking for a special game, puzzle or toy for your little one (or a present for someone else’s little) be sure to check out these five Phnom Penh toy stores.

With branches all over the city, you’re never far from Cambodia’s biggest chain of toy stores. The toys and games here are imported high quality originals, which usually translates into a higher price but you’ll also find plenty on sale. The toy giant also boasts one of the better online stores, letting you sort by toy brand, type or appropriate age, and offering free delivery in Phnom Penh on all orders $25 or more.

While it added “Toys” to its name years ago, many still think of Monument as just a bookstore. And that’s too bad, because in addition to its galaxy of book titles it also has an impressive selection of quality toys, games and puzzles for kids. Prices can be a bit on the high side, but the store often has fantastic sales and final stock bargains. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for on their shelves, ask them about ordering it for you.

Parents will ooh and aah at all the adorable crochet toys they’ll find in this small shop on a quiet street in Toul Tompoung. The handmade toys, dolls and sleep buddies – crafted with love and care – are produced as part of a social enterprise that works with local women to provide employment and produce unique, high-quality toys with a distinctive Cambodian character. Whether you buy a cuddly sleeping tiger for your toddler or a hand-knit Sambo elephant for yourself, you’ll feel great knowing your purchase helps support marginalized communities in and around Phnom Penh.

What started as an online store has finally opened as a brick-and-mortar showroom in Tuol Tompoung. The shelves here are stocked full of your favorite board games, dice and card games, role-playing games and puzzles – and at prices that will tempt you to load up. The store is also a hub for the local boardgaming community and regularly hosts gaming events for teens and young-at-heart adults.

You’ll find many of the same toys here that you find in the larger toys stores, but at better prices. The shop’s shelves are stocked from floor to ceiling with toys and games for kids, and you might even spot a few hard-to-find toys in their collection.
Also worth checking out:
International Book Center (IBC), with branches throughout the city, has a small selection of toys, puzzles and games at reasonable prices. Aeon department store, which anchors each of Phnom Penh’s three Aeon malls, has a much larger variety of toys for all ages and often a few goodies in the bargain bins.
But if you’re looking for a real bargain – head to Orussey Market or Street 163 just south of the Russian Market, where cluttered stalls sell many of the same toys (and knock offs) that you’ll find at the bigger stores, but at a fraction of the price. It’s a great place to pick up sets of plastic bath toys, beach toys and building blocks.